Jungian Therapy
Jungian therapy, properly called Jungian Analysis, is a form of therapy designed by Carl Jung that emphasizes depth engagement with consciousness and the unconscious through imaginal and symbolic processes such as talking, dream analysis, active imagination, and creative expression.
The central principle of Jungian Therapy is the process of individuation. That is a process of differentiating yourself from the collective culture, shedding your false self (your persona), and finding your true (authentic) self to relate to yourself, others, and the world more authentically, creatively, and in less persona-driven ways.
Jungian analysis is implicitly spiritual. It is a good option for individuals who seek to overcome psychological and developmental difficulties and develop unique and personal relationships with themselves, others, the world, and something greater than themselves. It resembles a mystical approach to psychological change, personal development, creative expression, and spirituality. It is, therefore, distinct from following a doctrine of belief, a religion, or a fixed method. While the tools are shared, your process is unique to you.
There are approximately 3,000 certified Jungian Analysts in the world, and I am one of them. I went through Jungian Therapy myself, so I have experienced the process, and as a Jungian Analyst, I have experience guiding individuals through the process.
Picture is from my visit to Jung’s house in Kusnacht, Switzerland.